Leadership to me is the sum of three things: Vision, Structure and People…with people by far being the most important element or ingredient in the leadership definition and equation.
Mark A. Wallace
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is a combination of motivation, inspiration and trust in the team you are leading. Leaders are able to influence people to be the best they can be, no matter what their roles are.
Michael Barbella
Manager, Ambulatory Services
Texas Children's Pavilion for Women
The ability of an individual to inspire confidence in those whom he or she leads. Leaders have motivational skills and most importantly, “talk the talk and walk the walk.” This capacity to inspire and motivate will come through integrity, and treating others with respect.
George Bisset, M.D.
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is a journey. Who we are as a person defines our leadership style that affects the actions and decisions we make along the way to reach our destination.
Aleli Cabali
Nurse Manager, Perioperative Services
Texas Children's Pavilion for Women
A leader is someone who can take a group of individuals, garner their strengths, temper their weaknesses and create a team that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Pamela Durham
Patient Care Manager, Inpatient Nursing
Texas Children's Pavilion for Women
To lead people, walk beside them. - Lao Tzu
Jeanine Graf, M.D.
Medical Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Transport
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is the privilege of being in a position to influence others. Leaders do not put greatness into people but, instead, create an atmosphere in which people excel because the greatness is already there.
Flor Hernandez
Manager, Facilities Operations
Texas Children's Pavilion for Women
Leadership is complex. It inspires others because it involves innate characteristics like passion and compassion. While leaders must have knowledge and the ability to execute, they are not true leaders until others choose to follow. Leaders must be willing to dive headlong into the unknown and blaze new trails.
Lisa Hollier
Medical Director, Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Center for Children and Women, Texas Children's Health Plan
Leadership is demonstrating expectations and desired outcomes of others through one's own actions; fostering a collaborative, creative and even-handed environment; being a person worth emulating.
Jenn Jacome
Manager, Public Relations
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is the ability to step into any situation and improve results by focusing on people and processes.
Trent Johnson
Director, Surgical Services
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is enabling the people around you to turn vision into reality. Leaders work through influence and are forward-thinking. Their success is defined by the people around them.
Brandon McIntyre
The Center Practice Leader, The Center for Children and Women
Texas Children's Health Plan
Leadership ultimately requires gaining the trust of others and then trusting others to take ownership and responsibility to work within established parameters to achieve. Leadership requires flexibility in approach, tolerance, and methods, but requires uncompromising commitment to purpose and driving principles.
David K. Coats, M.D.
Division Chief, Ophthalmology - Department of Surgery
Texas Children’s Hospital
Leadership is the art of empowering yourself and others to surpass expectations and goals collaboratively. True leadership requires dedication to accomplish these goals that are purely for the benefit of others.
Jacqueline Newton
Assistant Clinical Director, Inpatient Nursing
Texas Children's Hospital West Campus
Leadership is determined by action, never rank, title or position. A leader listens, empowers and creates an environment of positive accountability.
John Nickens
Executive Vice President
Texas Children's Hospital
To be a leader is to inspire and encourage others through action and effective communication.
Kristen Parsons
Manager, Research Administration
Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute
Leadership centers around people, begins with integrity and includes the promise of vision, the courage of conviction, the power of passion and the sincere desire to serve.
Tabitha Rice
Senior Vice President
Texas Children's Hospital
Leadership is a dynamic interaction between a leader and a team. Leaders effectively communicate, influence and motivate team members to strive towards a shared vision. Leadership is leading by example and being trustworthy, fair, honest and approachable.
Pamela Saavedra
Manager, Therapy - Clear Lake Health Center
Texas Children's Health Centers
Leadership involves identifying opportunities, developing alternatives, determining the best course and inspiring action.
Matt Schaefer
Assistant Vice President
Texas Children's Hospital West Campus
Leaders influence others to make positive decisions themselves rather than having the leader make those decisions for them.
Stanley Spinner, M.D.
Assistant Vice President/Medical Director
Texas Children's Pediatrics
An effective leader possesses the ability to inspire a passion for the mission through clear and open communication. Leaders encourage personal and professional development for the betterment of the individual, the organization and the community.
Vicki Sublett
Assistant Director, Business Operations
Texas Children's Health Plan
Leadership is being committed to doing the right things for the right reasons all of the time even though your decisions may not be fully embraced by some.
Wayne Toote
House Supervisor, Nursing
Texas Children's Hospital West Campus
A leader inspires others to commit their energy to a common purpose. A leader knows when to listen and when to advise. A leader is dedicated, confident, honest and always respectful.
Ketrese White
Assistant Director, Inpatient Nursing
Texas Children's Hospital West Campus